Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 2 in Israel, a tour of Northern Israel.

We took JNF planned tour of the northern Israel. We visited an Air Force training base and met several of the soldiers and teachers there.

We then went to a park called Agamon Hula. It used to be a swamp that had been drained to make for more land mass, but years ago it was recognized that is was a mistake. JNF has been helping to move this area back to a shallow lake and the associated swamp. Now it is a place for migratory birds to stop and rest on their way from Asia to Africa.

Pictures are here:

First Day... a time for tears

Two other Team Atlanta riders and myself spent the day at the Yad Vashem, the Israel Holocaust museum. It was a very moving and heart-rending experience. I could not take any pictures in the museam itself, and there is no way I can recount the depth of emotions that I felt while walking though it all.

There was also a Children's Memorial, sponsered by a couple in California that survied the murders but lost their child. The memorial was dedicated in memory in his name. It was a simple but dramtic setting, all done in mirrors and glass, with memorial candles all over the place. There is a voice that continiously announces the names of the 2 million children killed.

We also visted the Valley of the Communities. It is a maze with the walls carved with the names of the hundreds or maybe thousands of cities and towns that had their Jewish populations destroyed.

All the pictures are posted on the TeamAtlanta Picasa site.

To see more go here:

Check out for additional blogs about the rides.

Check out for all the pictures.

Trying to get caught up... arriving in Israel

I've been really remiss on posting blogs but it's been so busy and web access has been so spotty, I've been falling short.

Here is a recap. I arrived in Israel on Saturday afternoon, 11/8, late in the afternoon. After we got through security and our luggage and dragged it to where the Arava rep was waiting to relive us of our bike boxes, it was getting quite late. I had arrived in Israel with several others from Atlanta and some of us shared a ride to the hotel. We went out for a bite to eat (I had a laffa, think of a falafal burrito) and then to bed.

Check out for additional blogs about the rides.

Check out for all the pictures.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Flight to Israel

It was a long ride, but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The 777-200LR is a wonderful plane. Watched movies Hancock and Dark Knight on the private TV. Slept while listening to Jefferson Airplane, and Stevie Nicks. Didn't want to sleep for long because I wanted to be able to sleep that night. Here is some pictures from the plane and from the Tel Aviv airport.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

24 hours to go!

In just about 24 hours (G-d willing!) I should be taking off for Israel. 11+ hours to get there and I'll start blogging from Jerusalem.

It's been such a busy and hectic week I've had no time to work out or bike. My last ride was the century I did on Saturday before I packed my bike up. Hopefully I'll be able to get some workout and/or jogging time in before the ride starts on Wednesday.

Keep checking back...!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just makes you want to ride faster...!

Saw this in Drudge Report today:

Compare the area discussed with the proposed map of our trip:

See anything in common?

Anyone got a flak jacket I can borrow?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Not related to the Israel ride, but despite the negative press on how busy and drawn out the voting process was going to be, it was a breeze. Left work about 2ish and by 3 was done and on my way home. No lines, no muss, no fuss.

Go Ron Paul!

No riding this week

I've decided (actually over the weekend) that I won't ride this week. I had a meeting on Monday right after work, want to go and vote today, either tomorrow or Thursday I want to have dinner with Chipper and the Jayster, and Friday is my travel day and I don't want to ride that day. That would have left at the most only one day to ride.

I plan to work out today and one or two more days this week.

Maybe looking to the triathlon???

Hit a milestone

Well I hit the $5K mark with a little help from all of my friends. Thanks so much for all your financial and emotional support.

I want to start adding entries at the very least every day if not more often so watch here.

If anyone that finds this blog and wants to donate, go here:
Click here make a secure, tax-deductible donation

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Team Altanta's Blog

Along with my personal blog, the team has a blog as well so you can look here for more pictures and other viewpoints

Good riding all!
Least the bike is ready...

Less than one week to go...!

Today is Sunday and I leave on Friday. Everyone has been asking me if I'm excited and words can't begin to describe what I'm feeling. Excitement and awe, nervousness and anticipation. I don't look forward to the 11+ hour flight out nor the 14+ hour flight back, but the almost two weeks in between is just breathtaking to me.