Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Day... a time for tears

Two other Team Atlanta riders and myself spent the day at the Yad Vashem, the Israel Holocaust museum. It was a very moving and heart-rending experience. I could not take any pictures in the museam itself, and there is no way I can recount the depth of emotions that I felt while walking though it all.

There was also a Children's Memorial, sponsered by a couple in California that survied the murders but lost their child. The memorial was dedicated in memory in his name. It was a simple but dramtic setting, all done in mirrors and glass, with memorial candles all over the place. There is a voice that continiously announces the names of the 2 million children killed.

We also visted the Valley of the Communities. It is a maze with the walls carved with the names of the hundreds or maybe thousands of cities and towns that had their Jewish populations destroyed.

All the pictures are posted on the TeamAtlanta Picasa site.

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